Movies from 1919
...La bocca mi bacio tutto tremante
23 1/2 Hours' Leave
A Bachelor's Wife
A Broadway Saint
A Carmen of the North
A Crime Has Been Committed
A Damsel in Distress (1919 film)
A Dangerous Wooing
A Daughter of Eve
A Daughter of the Wolf
A Day's Pleasure
A Debtor to the Law
A Desert Hero
A Doll Wife
A Drive into the Blue
A Fallen Idol
A Favor to a Friend
A Fight for Love
A Fighting Colleen
A Fugitive from Matrimony
A Gentleman of Quality
A Girl Named Mary
A Girl at Bay
A Great Coup
A Gun Fightin' Gentleman
A Heart in Pawn
A Jazzed Honeymoon
A Lass o' the Looms
A Little Bit of Fluff (1919 film)
A Man and His Money
A Man's Country
A Man's Duty
A Man's Fight
A Man's Word
A Member of Tattersall's
A Midnight Romance
A Misfit Earl
A Night in Paradise (1919 film)
A Regular Fellow (1919 film)
A Regular Girl
A Rogue's Romance
A Roman Scandal (film)
A Romance of Happy Valley
A Sage Brush Hamlet
A Sammy in Siberia
A Scream in the Night (1919 film)
A Sinless Sinner
A Smart Set
A Society Exile
A Sporting Chance (1919 Paramount film)
A Sporting Chance (1919 Pathe film)
A Temperamental Wife
A Trick of Fate
A Very Good Young Man
A Virtuous Vamp
A White Man's Chance
A Wild Goose Chase
A Woman There Was
A Woman of Pleasure
A Woman's Experience
A Yankee Princess
According to Law
Ace High (1919 film)
Ace of the Saddle
Adele (film)
After His Own Heart
After Many Days
Alias Mike Moran
All Men Are Liars (1919 film)
All Souls (film)
All Wrong (film)
All of a Sudden Norma
Almost Married (1919 film)
Almost a Husband
An Adventure in Hearts
An Innocent Adventuress
Angel Esquire
Anita Jo
Anne of Green Gables (1919 film)
Are You Legally Married?
Around the World in Eighty Days (1919 film)
As a Man Thinks
As the Sun Went Down
Ask Father
At the Old Stage Door
Atonement (1919 film)
Australia's Own
Ave Caesar!
Baccarat (film)
Back Stage (1919 film)
Back to God's Country (1919 film)
Back to the Woods (1919 film)
Bare Fists
Bare-Fisted Gallagher
Barry Butts In
Be My Wife (1919 film)
Beatrice (1919 film)
Before Breakfast
Behind the Door (film)
Better Times (film)
Bettler GmbH
Between Two Worlds (1919 film)
Beware! (1919 film)
Bill Henry (film)
Billy Blazes, Esq.
Black Pearls (film)
Blackie's Redemption
Blind Husbands
Blind Man's Eyes
Blonde Poison
Bolshevism on Trial
Bonds of Honor
Bonds of Love
Bonnie, Bonnie Lassie
Boots (film)
Bound and Gagged (serial)
Brass Buttons
Breed of Men
Broken Barriers (1919 film)
Broken Blossoms
Broken in the Wars
Bumping into Broadway
Bungs and Bunglers
By Indian Post
Calibre 38
Camping Out (film)
Captain Fracasse (1919 film)
Captain Kidd's Kids
Captain Kidd, Jr.
Carolyn of the Corners
Castle of Dreams
Castles in the Air (1919 film)
Category:1919 Western (genre) films
Category:1919 adventure films
Category:1919 animated films
Category:1919 comedy films
Category:1919 crime films
Category:1919 directorial debut films
Category:1919 documentary films
Category:1919 drama films
Category:1919 horror films
Category:1919 lost films
Category:1919 mystery films
Category:1919 short films
Category:1919 war films
Category:Lists of 1919 films by country or language
Charge It to Me
Charlotte Corday (1919 film)
Cheating Cheaters (1919 film)
Child on the Open Road
Chop Suey & Co.
Come Again Smith
Come Out of the Kitchen
Common Clay (1919 film)
Common Property
Comrade Abram
Comrades (1919 film)
Comradeship (1919 film)
Convict 99 (1919 film)
Count Your Change
Count the Votes
Counterfeit (1919 film)
Countess Doddy
Countess Sarah
Courage for Two
Crack Your Heels
Crooked Straight
Crown and Whip
Cupid Forecloses
Daddy-Long-Legs (1919 film)
Dalagang Bukid
Damaged Goods (1919 film)
Dangerous Hours
Day Dreams (1919 film)
De damescoupeur
Deliverance (1919 film)
Der Herr der Liebe
Desert Gold (1919 American film)
Desert Gold (1919 film)
Destiny (1919 film)
Devoted Artists
Diane of the Green Van
Die Arche
Different from the Others
Do You Love Your Wife?
Does the Jazz Lead to Destruction
Dombey and Son (film)
Don't Change Your Husband
Don't Shove
Dull Care
During My Apprenticeship
Easy to Make Money
Edge O' Beyond
Elmo the Mighty
Else of Erlenhof
Erstwhile Susan
Evangeline (1919 film)
Eve in Exile
Everybody's Business (1919 film)
Everywoman (film)
Experimental Marriage
Extravagance (1919 film)
Eyes of Youth
Eyes of the Soul
Fair and Warmer (film)
Faith (1919 film)
False Evidence (1919 film)
False Start (film)
Fancy Dress (1919 film)
Fighting Cressy
Fighting Through
Fires of Faith
Flame of the Desert
Flips and Flops
Fool's Gold (1919 film)
Fools and Their Money
For Better, for Worse (1919 film)
For a Woman's Honor
Forbidden (1919 film)
From Hand to Mouth
Fruits of Passion (1919 film)
Full of Pep
Gambling in Souls
Getting Mary Married
Girls (1919 film)
Giuliano l'Apostata
God's Clay (1919 film)
God's Good Man
God's Outlaw (1919 film)
Going! Going! Gone!
Good Gracious, Annabelle
Greased Lightning (1919 film)
Gun Law (1919 film)
Hallroom Boys
Happiness a la Mode
Happy Though Married
Harakiri (1919 film)
Hard Boiled (1919 film)
Haunting Shadows
Hawthorne of the U.S.A.
Hay Foot, Straw Foot
He Leads, Others Follow
Healthy and Happy
Heap Big Chief
Heart o' the Hills
Hearts Asleep
Hearts in Hock
Heartsease (film)
Hedda's Revenge
Help! Help! Police!
Her Code of Honor
Her Game
Her Heritage
Her Kingdom of Dreams
Her Purchase Price
Her Sport
Here Comes the Bride (1919 film)
Het goudvischje
High Pockets (film)
His Buddy
His Dearest Possession
His Debt
His Lordship's Last Will
His Majesty, the American
His Official Fiance
His Only Father
His Parisian Wife
His Wife's Friend
Hoot Mon!
Hop, the Bellhop
How the Telephone Talks
Human Desire (1919 film)
Hustling for Health
I Will (film)
I'll Get Him Yet
I'm on My Way (film)
In His Brother's Place
In Honor's Web
In Mizzoura
In Old Kentucky (1919 film)
In Wrong
In for Thirty Days
Intoxication (film)
Irrlicht (film)
It Happened in Paris (1919 film)
It Pays to Advertise (1919 film)
J'accuse (1919 film)
Jane Goes A-Wooing
Jazz and Jailbirds
Jettatore (1919 film)
Jinx (1919 film)
John Petticoats
Johnny Get Your Gun
Josselyn's Wife
Just Dropped In
Just Neighbors
Just Squaw
Jn az csm
Kaliya Mardan
Kathleen Mavourneen (1919 film)
Keeper of the Door
King Krause
Kingdom Come (1919 film)
Kitty Kelly, M.D.
La Belle Russe
Lasca (film)
Leave It to Susan
Let's Elope (film)
Lightning Bryce
Lilli (1919 film)
Lilli's Marriage
Linked by Fate (film)
Lions and Ladies
Little Comrade
Lola Montez (1919 film)
Lombardi, Ltd.
Look Out Below
Lord and Lady Algy (film)
Louisiana (1919 film)
Love (1919 American film)
Love (1919 German film)
Love Insurance
Love in a Hurry
Love's Prisoner
Luck in Pawn
Lure of Ambition
Madame DuBarry (1919 film)
Madeleine (1919 film)
Mademoiselle Chiffon
Madness (1919 film)
Maggie Pepper
Malaria (1919 film)
Male and Female
Man of Gold (film)
Mandarin's Gold
Maria Pavlowna
Marie, Ltd.
Marionettes of Desire
Marked Men (1919 film)
Marriage for Convenience
Married in Haste
Mates and Models
Mazeppa, der Volksheld der Ukraine
Men, Women, and Money
Meyer from Berlin
Miss Arizona (1919 film)
Miss Dulcie from Dixie
Molly of the Follies
More Deadly Than the Male
Mr. Wu (1919 film)
Mrs. Thompson
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (1919 film)
Mules and Mortgages
My Lady Robin Hood
My Leopold (1919 film)
My Little Sister (1919 film)
My Wife, the Movie Star
Neither at Home or Abroad
Nerves (film)
Never Say Quit
Never Touched Me
Next Aisle Over
Nobody Home (film)
Nobody's Child (1919 film)
Nocturne of Love (1919 film)
Not Guilty (1919 film)
Nugget Nell
Number 111 (1919 film)
Off the Trolley
Oh, Boy! (1919 film)
Oh, You Women!
Oliver Twist (1919 film)
On the Fire
One Week of Life
One of the Finest
One or the Other
One-Thing-at-a-Time O'Day
Only a Servant
Op stap door Amsterdam
Open Your Eyes (1919 film)
Opium (1919 film)
Other Men's Wives
Our Better Selves
Out Yonder
Out of the Depths (1919 film)
Out of the Fog (1919 film)
Out of the Shadow (1919 film)
Over the Garden Wall (1919 film)
Paid in Advance
Paid in Full (1919 film)
Pallard the Punter
Partners Three
Pay Your Dues
Peer Gynt (1919 film)
Peggy Does Her Darndest
Peppy Polly
Pettigrew's Girl
Phil for Short
Piccadilly Jim (1919 film)
Pistols for Breakfast
Pitfalls of a Big City
Playthings of Passion
Please Get Married
Poor Relations
Possession (1919 film)
Prince Cuckoo
Prostitution (1919 film)
Proxy Husband
Prudence on Broadway
Puppy Love (1919 film)
Put Up Your Hands
Putting It Over
Putting One Over
Queen's Evidence (film)
Quinneys (1919 film)
Ramuntcho (1919 film)
Ravished Armenia (film)
Ray of Sunshine
Red Hot Dollars
Redemption (1919 film)
Redhead (1919 film)
Restless Souls (1919 film)
Revenge Is Mine
Rider of the Law
Riders of Vengeance
Ring Up the Curtain
Romance and Arabella
Rose Bernd (1919 film)
Rose o' the River
Rough Riding Romance
Rustlers (1919 film)
Rustling a Bride
Ruth's Two Husbands
Sacred Silence (1919 film)
Sadie Love
Sahara (1919 film)
Salome vs. Shenandoah
Sandy Burke of the U-Bar-U
Satan Junior
Satan on Earth
Scarlet Days
Sealed Hearts
Secret Service (1919 film)
Shadows (1919 film)
Shadows of Suspicion
Sheba (film)
Should a Husband Forgive?
Si, Senor
Silent Strength (film)
Sins of the Parents (1919 film)
Sir Arne's Treasure
Sis Hopkins
Six Feet Four
Smashing Barriers
Smiles (film)
Snow in the Desert
So Ends My Song
Soapsuds and Sapheads
Soft Money (film)
Soldiers of Fortune (1919 film)
Some Bride
Some Liar
Something to Do
Sons of Ingmar
Speedy Meade
Splendid Folly
Spotlight Sadie
Spring Fever (1919 film)
Squabs and Squabbles
Square Deal Sanderson
State Attorney Jordan (1919 film)
Stepping Out (1919 film)
Struck Oil
Sunken Rocks
Sunnyside (film)
Superstition (1919 film)
Swat the Crook
Sweet and Twenty
Switches and Sweeties
Synnve Solbakken (1919 film)
Tangled Threads
Terror of the Range
That's Good
The A.B.C. of Love
The Adventure Shop
The Adventures of Ruth
The Amateur Adventuress
The Amazing Impostor
The Ancestress
The Apache of Marseilles
The Apprentice Diplomat
The Artistic Temperament
The Avalanche (1919 film)
The Bandbox
The Bank Clerk
The Beauty Market
The Beetle (film)
The Belle of New York (1919 film)
The Belle of the Season
The Beloved Cheater
The Better Wife
The Big Little Person
The Bishop's Emeralds
The Black Gate (film)
The Black Horse Bandit
The Black Secret
The Blue Bonnet
The Blue Dragon
The Bodega of Los Cuerros
The Boomerang (1919 film)
The Boss of the Rancho
The Boy in Blue (1919 film)
The Brat (1919 film)
The Bridal Chair
The Bride of the Incapacitated
The Broken Butterfly
The Broken Melody (1919 film)
The Busher
The Call of the Sea (1919 film)
The Cambric Mask (1919 film)
The Capitol (film)
The Captain's Captain
The Career of Katherine Bush
The Carousel of Life
The Cheerful Soul
The Chinese Puzzle (1919 film)
The Cinema Murder
The City of Beautiful Nonsense (1919 film)
The City of Comrades
The Climbers (1919 film)
The Coming of the Law
The Commandment of Love
The Common Cause
The Conqueror of the World
The Country Cousin (1919 film)
The Courageous Coward
The Crow (1919 film)
The Cry of the Weak
The Dagger of Malaya
The Dance of Death (1919 film)
The Dancer (1919 film)
The Dark Star (1919 film)
The Daughter of Mehemed
The Day She Paid
The Delicious Little Devil
The Derby (1919 film)
The Destiny of Carola van Geldern
The Devil and the Madonna
The Devil in Amsterdam
The Devil's Trail
The Disappearance of the Judge
The Divorcee (1919 film)
The Doll (1919 film)
The Double Hold-Up
The Double Life of Mr. Alfred Burton
The Dragon Painter
The Drifters (film)
The Dub
The Dutiful Dub
The Duty to Live
The Echo of Youth
The Egg Crate Wallop
The Elusive Pimpernel (1919 film)
The Enchanted Barn
The Enchanted Princess (film)
The End of the Game (1919 film)
The End of the Road (1919 film)
The Eternal Magdalene
The Exquisite Thief
The Eye of the Buddha
The Face at the Window (1919 film)
The Face in the Watch
The Fairy of Saint Mnard
The False Code
The False Faces
The Fate of Maria Keith
The Fear Woman
The Feud (1919 film)
The Fighting Brothers
The Fighting Heart (1919 film)
The Fighting Line
The Fighting Roosevelts
The Final Close-Up
The Firing Line
The First Men in the Moon (1919 film)
The Foolish Heart
The Forest on the Hill
The Forfeit
The Four Flusher
The Four-Bit Man
The Freckled Fish
The Galley Slave (1919 film)
The Gambler (1919 film)
The Garden of Resurrection
The Gay Lord Quex (1919 film)
The Geisha and the Samurai
The Gentleman Rider
The Girl Dodger
The Girl Who Stayed at Home
The Girl and the Men
The Girl from Nowhere (1919 film)
The Glorious Lady
The Gold Cure (1919 film)
The Golden Lie
The Gray Horizon
The Gray Wolf's Ghost
The Great Air Robbery
The Great Radium Mystery
The Great Romance (film)
The Great Victory
The Greatest Question
The Green Eyed Monster (1919 film)
The Green Terror
The Grey Car
The Grim Game
The Grocery Clerk
The Gun Packer
The Haunted Bedroom
The Hawk's Trail
The Hayseed
The Head Waiter
The Heart of Casanova
The Heart of Wetona
The Heart of Youth
The Heart of a Rose
The Heiress of the Count of Monte Cristo
The Hellion (1919 film)
The Hidden Truth
The Home Town Girl
The Homebreaker
The Homemaker
The Homesteader
The Hoodlum (1919 film)
The Hope Chest
The House of Intrigue
The Howling Wolf
The Illustrious Prince
The Imp (1919 film)
The Impossible Woman
The Indestructible Wife
The Inheritance from New York
The Intrusion of Isabel
The Invisible Bond
The Iron Heel (film)
The Irresistible Flapper
The Island of Intrigue
The Isle of Conquest
The Jack of Hearts
The Japanese Woman
The Jewess of Toledo (film)
The Joyous Liar
The Kid and the Cowboy
The Kinsman
The Knave of Hearts (1919 film)
The Knickerbocker Buckaroo
The Lackey and the Lady
The Lady Clare (1919 film)
The Lady in the Car
The Lady of Red Butte
The Lady with the Black Gloves
The Lamp of Destiny
The Last Outlaw (1919 film)
The Last Sun Son
The Last of the Duanes (1919 film)
The Law of Men (1919 film)
The Life Line
The Lightning Raider
The Lincoln Highwayman
The Lion Man (serial)
The Lion and the Mouse (1919 film)
The Lion's Den (1919 film)
The Little Boss
The Little Cafe (1919 film)
The Little Diplomat
The Little Rowdy
The Living Dead (film)
The Lone Hand (1919 film)
The Lone Star Ranger (1919 film)
The Lone Wolf's Daughter
The Lord Loves the Irish
The Lost Battalion (1919 film)
The Lottery Man (1919 film)
The Love Burglar
The Love Cheat
The Love Hunger
The Love That Dares
The Love of Marion Bach
The Loves of Kthe Keller
The Loves of Letty
The Man Beneath
The Man Hunter (1919 film)
The Man Who Forgot (1919 film)
The Man Who Stayed at Home (1919 film)
The Man Who Turned White
The Man Who Won (1919 film)
The Man in the Moonlight
The Man in the Open
The Man of Action
The Marathon (film)
The March Hare (1919 film)
The Market of Souls
The Marriage Price
The Mask (1919 film)
The Masked Rider (1919 film)
The Master Man
The Master Mystery
The Mayor of Filbert
The Merry Husband
The Microbe
The Midnight Man (1919 film)
The Midnight Stage
The Millionaire Pirate
The Mind the Paint Girl (film)
The Miracle Man (1919 film)
The Miracle of Love (film)
The Misleading Widow
The Mistress of the World
The Monastery of Sendomir (1919 film)
The Money Corral
The Muff
The Mystery of 13
The Mystery of the Yellow Room (1919 film)
The Nature of the Beast (1919 film)
The New Moon (1919 film)
The Ocarina
The Odds Against Her
The Other Half (1919 film)
The Other Man's Wife
The Outcasts of Poker Flat (1919 film)
The Oyster Princess
The Pagan God
The Panther Bride
The Parisian Tigress
The Peace of Roaring River
The Perfect Lover
The Peruvian
The Pest (1919 film)
The Petal on the Current
The Plague of Florence
The Platonic Marriage
The Pointing Finger (1919 film)
The Polar Star
The Poor Boob
The Poppy Girl's Husband
The Power of Right
The Prince and Betty (film)
The Princess of Urbino
The Probation Wife
The Professor (1919 film)
The Profiteer (1919 film)
The Profiteers
The Pullman Porter
The Race to the Throne
The Railroader
The Railway Owner
The Rajah (1919 film)
The Red Glove
The Red Lantern
The Red Viper
The Rescuing Angel
The Right Element
The Road Called Straight
The Roaring Road (1919 film)
The Rocks of Valpre (1919 film)
The Romance of Lady Hamilton
The Rose of Stamboul (1919 film)
The Rose of the Flyer
The Rough Neck
The Scar (1919 film)
The Scarlet Shadow
The Sea of Naples
The Secret Garden (1919 film)
The Secret of Wera Baranska
The Secret of the American Docks
The Secret of the Scaffold
The Seeds of Life (film)
The Sentimental Bloke
The She Wolf (1919 film)
The Shepherd of the Hills (1919 film)
The Sheriff's Son
The Silver Greyhound (1919 film)
The Silver King (1919 film)
The Silver Lining (1919 film)
The Simple Life (1919 film)
The Siren's Song (1919 film)
The Social Pirate
The Son-of-a-Gun
The Soul of Guilda Lois
The Spark Divine
The Speed Maniac
The Spender (1919 film)
The Spiders (film)
The Spies (1919 film)
The Spinning Ball (1919 film)
The Spite Bride
The Spitfire of Seville
The Splendid Romance
The Star Boarder (1919 film)
The Story of a Boy
The Stronger Vow
The Sundown Trail
The Swabian Maiden
The Swindler (film)
The Teahouse of the Ten Lotus Flowers
The Teeth of the Tiger (film)
The Tell Tale Wire
The Test of Honor
The Testing of Mildred Vane
The Third Degree (1919 film)
The Third Kiss (1919 film)
The Thirteenth Chair (1919 film)
The Thunderbolt (1919 film)
The Tiger Lily
The Tiger's Trail
The Toilers (1919 film)
The Tong Man
The Tower of Jewels
The Trail of the Holdup Man
The Trail of the Octopus
The Trap (1919 film)
The Trembling Hour
The Turn in the Road
The Twin Pawns
The Two Brides
The Undercurrent (1919 film)
The Unknown Quantity (film)
The Unpainted Woman
The Unpardonable Sin
The Unveiling Hand
The Unwritten Code (1919 film)
The Uplifters (film)
The Valley of the Giants (1919 film)
The Veiled Adventure
The Vengeance of Durand
The Victory Leaders
The Virtuous Model
The Virtuous Thief
The Warrior Strain
The Water Lily (1919 film)
The Way of a Woman
The Way of the Strong (1919 film)
The Westerners
The White Heather
The White Roses of Ravensberg (1919 film)
The Wicked Darling
The Wilderness Trail
The Winchester Woman
The Winning Girl
The Winning Stroke
The Wishing Ring Man
The Witness for the Defense
The Woman Michael Married
The Woman Next Door (1919 film)
The Woman Thou Gavest Me
The Woman Under Cover
The Woman Under Oath
The Woman at the Crossroads (1919 film)
The Woman on the Index
The Woman with Orchids
The World Champion
The World and Its Woman
Thieves (1919 film)
Thin Ice (1919 film)
This Hero Stuff
Thou Shalt Not (film)
Three Green Eyes
Three Men and a Girl
Through the Wrong Door
Thunderbolts of Fate
Toby's Bow
Todd of the Times
Told in the Hills
Tom's Little Star
Too Much Johnson (1919 film)
Tootsies and Tamales
Tortured Soul
Towards the Light (1919 film)
Treat 'Em Rough (1919 film)
Trixie from Broadway
True Heart Susie
Turning the Tables (film)
Under Suspicion (1919 British film)
Under the Top
Unheimliche Geschichten (1919 film)
Upside Down (1919 film)
Upstairs (film)
Upstairs and Down
Vagabond Luck
Vendetta (1919 film)
Venus in the East
Veritas Vincit (film)
Victim of Society
Victory (1919 film)
Wagon Tracks
Wanted $5,000
Wanted: A Husband
Westward Ho! (1919 film)
What Am I Bid?
What Every Woman Learns
What Every Woman Wants (1919 film)
When Bearcat Went Dry
When Doctors Disagree
When Fate Decides
When It Was Dark (film)
When Men Desire
When a Girl Loves (1919 film)
When a Man Loves (1919 film)
When a Man Rides Alone (1919 film)
When a Woman Strikes
When the Clouds Roll By
Where the West Begins (1919 film)
White Rose (film)
Who Cares? (1919 film)
Who's Your Brother?
Whosoever Shall Offend
Why Smith Left Home
Widow by Proxy
Wings of the Morning (1919 film)
Without Witnesses
Wolves of the Night
Yankee Doodle in Berlin
Yaps and Yokels
You Never Saw Such a Girl
You're Fired
Young Mr. Jazz
Yvonne from Paris
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