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Books from 1938

Alamut (Bartol novel)

Category:1938 American novels

Category:1938 Australian novels

Category:1938 British novels

Category:1938 Canadian novels

Category:1938 French novels

Category:1938 German-language novels

Category:1938 Nigerian novels

Category:1938 debut novels

Category:1938 graphic novels

Category:1938 speculative fiction novels

Conversations in Sicily

Crimson (Sata novel)

Di Bawah Lindungan Ka'bah (novel)

Flags on the Battlements

Hope of Heaven

Karge meri

La vida intil de Pito Prez

Marriage in Heaven

Murphy (novel)

Na krsn samot


O Feijo e o Sonho

On the Edge of Reason

Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck

The Embezzler (novella)

The Gift (Nabokov novel)

The Life and Adventures of Remus

The Man Who Watched the Trains Go By (novel)

Tuli ja raud

Vidas secas

Vl jma (novel)

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