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The Boy from Mercury

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Wikipedia article

'The Boy from Mercury' (1996) is an Irish Film, the debut of writer and director Martin Duffy. The film concerns the science-fiction daydreams of a young boy in 1960 Dublin. Upon release, the film received international critical acclaim, and several awards, though was commercially unsuccessful. It was the first time actors Rita Tushingham and Tom Courtenay had appeared on screen together since 'Doctor Zhivago' thirty years earlier. The film was also the debut of the Irish actor James Hickey.

The book of the making of the film, 'The Road to Mercury', written by the director and released in 2006 by Ogma Press.


*Rita Tushingham

*Tom Courtenay

*Hugh O'Conor

*James Hickey


The film opened on 5 screens in Ireland on 6 December 1996 and grossed IR3,806 in its first week.


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