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Mukhyamantri (1996 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Mukhyamantri' is a 1996 Bengali political drama film directed by Anjan Choudhury. This film's music was composed by Mrinal Bandhyopadhay.


Circumstances force Bimal, a righteous headmaster who is well known in his village, to contest the local elections. An envious MLA teams up with the chief minister to plot against him.


* Ranjit Mallick

* Dulal Lahiri

* Lokesh Ghosh

* Tota Roy Chowdhury

* Chumki Chowdhury

* Ashok Kumar

* Gyanesh Mukherjee

* Debika Mitra

* Rina Choudhury

* Sumanta Mukherjee

* Arun Bandyopadhyay


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