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Mortal Inheritance

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Wikipedia article

'Mortal Inheritance' is a Nigerian film produced by Zeb Ejiro, directed by Andy Amenechi and written by Bond Emeruwa.


Mortal Inheritance is a romantic drama about a woman dealing with sickle-cell anaemia, the plot also delves into cultural resistance to inter ethnic marriages in Nigeria. The protagonist of the story is Kemi, a Yoruba lady with sickle cell anemia, the part was played by Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde. She beat the odds of dying young as a sickle cell carrier and upon reaching adulthood, she fell in love with Chike, an Igbo man. But when she realised that Chike has the AS genotype or a sickle cell trait, she ended the relationship.Onwumechili, Chuka, and Ndolo, Ikechukwu, eds. Re-imagining Development Communication in Africa. Blue Ridge Summit, US: Lexington Books, 2012. P. 126

See also

List of Nigerian films


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