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Down Under the Big Top

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Wikipedia article

'Down Under the Big Top' is a 1996 American movie. It is the Newsboys' first feature film and was released as a direct-to-video title. The film also represents the first screenplay written by director Steve Taylor.


When the band inherits a minor league circus on the verge of bankruptcy, they formulate a plan to put on one final show.


* John James as Himself, Lead Vocalist

* Peter Furler as Himself, Drummer/Vocals

* Phil Joel as Himself, Bassist/Vocals

* Jody Davis as Himself, Guitarist/Vocals

* Duncan Phillips as Himself, Percussionist

* Jeff Frankenstein as Himself, Keyboardist

* Mark Lowry as Commercial Director

* Steve Taylor as Himself

* Gary Chapman as Clergy

* Phil Madeira as Hack the Clown

* Greg Menza as Sack the Clown

* Amy Glass as Darlene

* Becky Glass as Carlene

* Robert Granger as Mongo

* Ben Pearson as Uncle Luigi

* Russ Long as "Free Bird" the Stagehand

* Gregg Jampol as Weight-loss ad guy

Track listing

# "Reality"

# "Breathe"

# "Take Me To Your Leader"

# "Shine"

# "Breakfast"


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