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Wikipedia article

'Bambola' (also spelled 'Bmbola') is a 1996 erotic melodrama film written and directed by Bigas Luna.


* Valeria Marini as Mina, aka "Bambola"

* Stefano Dionisi as Flavio

* Jorge Perugorra as Furio

* Manuel Bandera as Settimio

* Antonino Iuorio as Ugo

* Anita Ekberg as Mother Greta


Because of the many scenes of sexual abuse, the film was R-rated, something that caused the ire of lead actress Valeria Marini, who asserted that she had been promised the cut of the three more explicit scenes and a ban for just people under 14 years.[http://archiviostorico.corriere.it/1996/settembre/20/Valeria_vietata_ritirate_mia_Bambola_co_0_96092013726.shtml "Valeria vietata ai 18: ritirate la mia Bambola"]. 'Corriere della Sera'. 20 September 1996. The actress therefore sued the producer Marco Poccioni demanding the immediate withdrawal of the film, but her request was eventually rejected.[http://www1.adnkronos.com/Archivio/AdnAgenzia/1997/03/21/Spettacolo/VALERIA-MARINI-HA-PERSO-IL-RICORSO-PER-BAMBOLA_165500.php "Valeria Marini ha perso la causa per Bambola"]. 'Adnkronos'. 21 November 1997.


The film received extremely negative criticism. Film critic Morando Morandini referred to it as "the most silly, foolish and amateurish film of Bigas Luna", while Paolo Mereghetti was even tougher, saying he "never have come out of a movie theater with a much deeper discomfort."


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