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Queen Louise (1957 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Queen Louise' is a 1957 West German historical drama film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner and starring Ruth Leuwerik, Dieter Borsche and Bernhard Wicki. It was made at the Emelka Studios in Munich, with sets designed by the art director Rolf Zehetbauer.

The film depicts the life of Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the wife of Frederick William III of Prussia, and her stand against Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars. It was one of a number of films made during the 1950s that portrayed historical royal Germany in a positive manner.Hake p. 114 It is similar in theme to the Prussian film genre which had been popular between the two World Wars including two previous films about Louise 'Queen Louise' (1927) and 'Louise, Queen of Prussia' (1931).


* Ruth Leuwerik as Knigin Luise

* Dieter Borsche as Knig Friedrich Wilhelm

* Bernhard Wicki as Zar Alexander

* Ren Deltgen as Napoleon

* Hans Nielsen as Hardenberg

* Charles Regnier as Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Prigord

* Peter Arens as Louis Ferdinand

* Friedrich Domin as Herzog von Mecklenburg-Strelitz

* Margarete Haagen as Grfin Voss

* Irene Marhold as Friederike

* Alexander Golling as Grofrst Konstantin

* Ado Riegler as Von Kckritz

* Lotte Brackebusch as Buerin

* Joseph Offenbach as Brgermeister




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