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Die Windrose

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Wikipedia article

'Die Windrose' ('The Windrose') was a film made for the East German production company DEFA in 1957 and commissioned by the World Federation of Women. Alberto Cavalcanti was film director, with artistic input from Joris Ivens. Simone Signoret, Yves Montand and Helene Weigel, wife of German dramatist Bertold Brecht. All collaborated in the making of this film, a docu-drama about the struggle of female workers in Italy, Brazil, the Soviet Union, China and France, united as "pioneers of the way which leads to a better future".


*Angela Brunner ... (voice)

*Aracy Cardoso

*Valdo Csar

*Marlene Frana

*Armida Gianassi ... Giovanna

*Yves Montand

*Vanja Orico

*Carla Pozzi

*Simone Signoret

*Aurlio Teixeira

*Miguel Torres

*Helene Weigel

*Yen Mei-yi

*Zinaida Kirienko


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