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Trouble Backstairs (1949 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Trouble Backstairs' is a 1949 West German comedy film directed by Erich Kobler and starring Paul Dahlke, Fita Benkhoff and Ursula Herking. It was based on a play of the same title by Maximilian Bttcher, which had previously been turned into the 1935 film 'Trouble Backstairs'.Goble p. 48


* Paul Dahlke as August Krger

* Fita Benkhoff as Irma Schulze

* Ursula Herking as Malchen Krger

* Bruni Lbel as Edeltraud Panse

* Traute Rose as Frau Bock

* Gisela von Jagen as Ilse Bock, ihre Tochter

* Carl Kuhlmann as Oberpostschaffner Hermann Schulze

* Ilse Melcher as Paula, seine Tochter

* Bum Krger as Gustav Kluge, Bckermeister

* Ernst von Klipstein as Assessor Dr. Erich Horn

* Friedrich Domin as Justizrat Dr. Horn, sein Vater

* Franz Schafheitlin as Prosecutor

* Walter Janssen as Amtsgerichtsrat Meier

* Hilli Wildenhain as Frau Puschke



* Goble, Alan. 'The Complete Index to Literary Sources in Film'. Walter de Gruyter, 1 Jan 1999.

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