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Sven Tusan

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Wikipedia article

'Sven Tusan' is a 1949 Swedish comedy film directed by Gsta Stevens and starring Edvard Persson, Emy Hagman and Sigbrit Molin.Qvist & von Bagh p.124


* Edvard Persson as Sven 'Tusan' Jnsson

* Emy Hagman as Irma

* Sigbrit Molin as Britt-Marie

* Axel Hgel as Nelson

* Erik Molin as Verner Berglund

* Douglas Hge as Simmer

* Gudrun Brost as Mrs. Winsten

* Margit Andelius as Woman

* Astrid Bodin as Cleaning woman

* Helga Brofeldt as Woman dressed in black

* Anne-Marie Eek

* Lars Kge

* Mim Persson as One of the Flink sisters, telephone operator

* Artur Roln as Man

* Hanny Schedin as One of the Flink sisters, telephone operator



* Qvist, Per Olov & von Bagh, Peter. 'Guide to the Cinema of Sweden and Finland'. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.

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