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Loffe as a Millionaire

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Wikipedia article

'Loffe as a Millionaire' (Swedish: 'Loffe som miljonr') is a 1948 Swedish comedy film directed by Gsta Bernhard and starring Elof Ahrle, Sture Lagerwall and Irene Sderblom.Goble p.842 It was shot at the Imagoateljerna Studios in the Stockholm suburb of Stocksund. The film's sets were designed by the art director Nils Nilsson. It was a sequel to the film 'Loffe the Tramp' released earlier the same year.


* Elof Ahrle as Loffe Frid

* Sture Lagerwall as Heller

* Irene Sderblom as Lisa Lagberg

* Fritiof Billquist as Magnus Hggstrm

* Marianne Gyllenhammar as Ingrid alias Valencia

* Wiktor Andersson as Trubbnos

* Rut Holm as Tora

* Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt as One of the Knas Brothers

* Nils Olsson as One of the Knas Brothers

* Gunnar 'Knas' Lindkvist as One of the Knas Brothers

* Harry Rydberg as Lngen, Tramp

* Harry Sylvner as Sknske Viktor, Tramp

* Alf stlund as Helmer Igelstam

* Arne Kllerud as Actor

* Arne Lindblad as Greven, Tramp

* Gsta Jonsson as Jealous Actor

* Birgit Whlander as Mrs. Hggstrm

* Gunnel Wadner as Nurse

* Rune Stylander as Constable

* Uno Larsson as Tramp

* John Melin as Actor

* Stig Johanson as Pesant

* Ulla-Carin Rydn as Actress from Oskarshamn

* Alexander von Baumgarten as Ulven Pettersson, Tramp

* Ivar Wahlgren as kesson, Dentist

* Hugo Jacobsson as Second Dentist

* Siegfried Fischer as Inn-keeper

* Astrid Bodin as Maid

* Georg Adelly as Boxer

* Gsta Bodin as Knight Kuno

* Curt 'Minimal' strm as Book Keeper



* Goble, Alan. 'The Complete Index to Literary Sources in Film'. Walter de Gruyter, 1999.

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