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Welcome, Mr. Washington

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Wikipedia article

'Welcome, Mr. Washington' is a 1944 British drama film directed by Leslie S. Hiscott and starring Barbara Mullen, Donald Stewart and Peggy Cummins. The film was made by British National Films, based on a story by Noel Streatfeild.

'Welcome, Mr. Washington' was listed as one of the British Film Institute's "75 Most Wanted" lost films for some years. It emerged in early 2016 that a complete print had been discovered in a locker in London's Cinema Museum. It was screened at BFI Southbank in late January. It was shown on the British TV channel Talking Pictures TV on 13 October 2020.Radio Times 10-16 October 2020


During the Second World War, two sisters are left almost penniless by their father's sudden death, and so they decide to lease their estate as an airbase to the newly-arrived American forces.



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