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Moyuru zora

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Wikipedia article

is a 1940 black-and-white Japanese, war film produced and directed by Yutaka Abe, with special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya. The theme song was sung by Ichiro Fujiyama and composed by Kosaku Yamada.[https://ceaslibrary.uchicago.edu/asset.php?assetid=0001556&titlestart=M Moyuru Ozora] The Center for East Asian Studies. Retrieved 2019-06-24.




*Heihachiro "Henry" Okawa

*Katsuhiko Haida

*Soji Kiyokawa


*Kazuo Hasegawa


*Special effects by Eiji Tsuburaya.

*Art Director: Takeo Kita

*Lighting: Tsuruzo Nishikawa

*Sound: Isamu Suzuki


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