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His Daughter is Called Peter (1936 film)

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Wikipedia article

'His Daughter is Called Peter' (German: 'Seine Tochter ist der Peter') is a 1936 Austrian drama film directed by Heinz Helbig and Willy Schmidt-Gentner and starring Karl Ludwig Diehl, Traudl Stark and Paul Hrbiger. Stark was a child actor, considered a German-speaking answer to Hollywood's Shirley Temple.Hake p.144

The film was remade in 1955 with the same title.


* Karl Ludwig Diehl as Ingenieur Max Klaar

* Traudl Stark as Elisabeth Klaar - known as Peter

* Paul Hrbiger as Dr. Felix Sandhofer

* Olga Tschechowa as Nora Noir

* Maria Andergast as Kinga Gerold

* Frida Richard as Kathi

* Robert Valberg as General-Direktor Tarnay

* Ekkehard Arendt as Baron von Lichtenstein

* Richard Waldemar as Hotelportier

* Therese Loewinger as Die Bodenseerin

* Wilhelm Schich as Chauffeur

* Hans Kammauf as Chauffeur

*Paul Lwinger

* Norbert Rohringer



* Hake, Sabine. 'Popular Cinema of the Third Reich'. University of Texas Press, 2001.

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