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Handle with Care (1935 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Handle with Care' is a 1935 British comedy film directed by Randall Faye and starring Molly Lamont, Jack Hobbs and James Finlayson. It was a quota quickie made at the Nettlefold Studios in Walton-on-Thames.Wood p.86


* Molly Lamont as Patricia

* Jack Hobbs as Jack

* James Finlayson as Jimmy

* Henry Victor as Count Paul

* Vera Bogetti as Fifi

* Margaret Yarde as Mrs. Tunbody

* Toni Edgar-Bruce as Lady Deeping

* Stafford Hilliard as Prof. Deeping



* Low, Rachael. 'Filmmaking in 1930s Britain'. George Allen & Unwin, 1985.

* Wood, Linda. 'British Films, 1927-1939'. British Film Institute, 1986.

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