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The Cabinet of Doctor Larifari

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Wikipedia article

'The Cabinet of Doctor Larifari' is a 1930 German comedy film directed by Robert Wohlmuth and starring Max Hansen, Paul Morgan and Carl Jken. The film is a parody of the German Film industry of the era.Bock & Bergfelder p. 346 Its title is a reference to the 1919 expressionist film 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari'.


* Max Hansen as Max Hansen / Pepperl Krninger

* Paul Morgan as Paul Morgan / Sebaldus Krninger / Ehemann (husband)

* Carl Jken as Kammersnger Carl Jken / Gesangspdagoge (singing instructor)

* Marianne Stanior as Sekretrin der Trio-Film (secretary of Trio film)

* Gisela Werbisek as Hedda Mutz-Kahla, Schriftstellerin (author)

* Alice Hechy as Ehefrau (wife)

* Else Reval as Sngerin (vocalist)

* Ellen Plessow

* Willy Prager as Patient (patient)

* Karl Harbacher as Leopold, Kellner (waiter)

* Wolfgang von Schwindt as Arzt (doctor)

* Henry Berg

* Gerhard Dammann as Gast / Schwiegervater (guest / father-in-law)

* Gyula Szreghy

* Erik Ode as Wolfgang Anglert, Chefredakteur (editor-in-chief)

* Die Weintraub Syncopators as Orchester (orchestra)

* Ida Krill as Das Dienstmdchen (the handmaiden)



* Bock, Hans-Michael & Bergfelder, Tim. 'The Concise CineGraph. Encyclopedia of German Cinema'. Berghahn Books, 2009.

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