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The Kinsman

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Wikipedia article

'The Kinsman' is a 1919 British silent comedy film directed by Henry Edwards and starring Edwards, James Carew and Chrissie White.[https://web.archive.org/web/20090205124229/http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/39115 The Kinsman (1920)] BFI

Plot summary

A cockney clerk switches places with an aristocrat to whom he is identical.


* Henry Edwards - Bert Gammage/Roger Blois

* James Carew - Col. Blois

* Chrissie White - Pamela Blois

* Christine Rayner - Julie

* Gwynne Herbert - Mrs. Blois

* Victor Prout - Col. Lorraine

* John MacAndrews - Dobbs

* Judd Green - Dr. Sprott

* Marie Wright - Duchess

* Bob Russell - Footman


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