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Worlds Without End (Shadowrun novel)

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Wikipedia article

'Worlds Without End' is a novel by Caroline Spector published by Roc Fantasy in 1995.

Plot summary

'Worlds Without End' is a 'Shadowrun' novel and is the last part of a trilogy that begins in the world of 'Earthdawn', although the two preceding novels were released after this one.


Andy Butcher reviewed 'Worlds Without End' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 5 out of 10 overall. Butcher comments that "As the first real cross-over between 'Earthdawn' and 'Shadowrun', 'Worlds Without End' is something of a disappointment. It starts well and reveals some interesting details about the real powers in the world of 'Shadowrun', but the climax arrives all too soon, and is less than stunning. Part of the problem is that you're left with the distinct feeling that you've missed a lof of what's going on - perhaps once the two prequels have been released, it'll all make a bit more sense..."


Category:1995 novels

Category:Novels based on role-playing games

Category:Roc Books books


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