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War in Tethyr

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Wikipedia article

'War in Tethyr' is a fantasy novel by Victor Miln, set in the world of the Forgotten Realms, and based on the 'Dungeons & Dragons' role-playing game. It is the second novel published in 'The Nobles' series, and was published in paperback in October, 1995.

Plot summary

In 'War in Tethyr' a beautiful warrior and her band of adventurers unite the locals against the villains.


Gideon Kibblewhite reviewed 'War in Tethyr' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 2 out of 10 overall. He starts the review by saying: "Oh dear, oh dear. Victor Milan leaves almost no clich unturned in this weak Forgotten Realms effort. From the book's corny beginning to its cheesy end, there is little of worth. A few background ideas may be found in its pages (there are a couple of good monsters, a take on body-snatching and some information about the city and people of Zazesspur) but you'll have to put up with an excruciating story." He criticizes the unoriginal plot, calling the heroes "The A Team with swords", and comments: "All the old veterans are wheeled out; a dwarf that mutters and tears at his beard, a half-elven bard with a voice like a golden bell, the list goes on..." Kibblewhite concludes the review by saying: "Game tie-in novels are hard to recommend when, like this one, all they supply is a dodgy story filled with constant references to how lithe, flat-bellied and supple the heroine is. There is a talking horse, though. Unfortunately, its name is Goldie and comes out with lines like 'I sense trouble ahead, Randi Star.'"


Category:1995 novels

Category:Forgotten Realms novels

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