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Vampire: Netherworld

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Wikipedia article

'Vampire: Netherworld' is a novel by Richard Lee Byers published by Boxtree Books in 1995.

Plot summary

'Vampire: Netherworld' is a 'Vampire: The Masquerade' novel about Zane, an ordinary human who finds himself caught up in events beyond his understanding, and only the whim of an ancient vampire, Sartak, saves him from death.


Andy Butcher reviewed 'Vampire: Netherworld' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 7 out of 10 overall. Butcher comments that "makes for an enjoyable read and offers some insight into areas of the game world that you may not have considered."


*Review by John D. Owen (1996) in Vector 189https://fanac.org/fanzines/Vector/Vector189.pdf


Category:1995 novels

Category:Vampire: The Masquerade

Category:World of Darkness novels

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