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The Titan of Twilight

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Wikipedia article

'The Titan of Twilight' is a fantasy novel by Troy Denning, set in the world of the Forgotten Realms, and based on the 'Dungeons & Dragons' role-playing game. It is the third novel published in "The Twilight Giants" trilogy of novels. It was published in paperback in September 1995, with a paperback re-issue in October 2005.

Plot summary

The Titan of Twilight is a story involving the bastard child of Queen Brianna of Hartsvale, which becomes the cause of much bloodshed. The giants of the land believe the baby to be a Titan of Twilight, the last giant-kin descendant of Annam All-Father, creator of giant races. His coming is a prophecy the giant-kin believe, and they do everything they can so that Queen Brianna reaches the Twilight Vale. The child is supposedly to restore Ostoria, an ancient giant kingdom. The main protagonist, a firbolg by the name of Tavis Burdun and his friends fight to stop them.


Gideon Kibblewhite reviewed 'The Titan of Twilight' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 6 out of 10 overall. He calls the novel "An enjoyable romp" noting that "The body count is extraordinarily high, with expendable soldiers and leading characters on all sides meeting all manner of gruesome deaths. Indeed, this is one of the book's strengths. The story begins with a vicious battle and thereafter a steady shower of lopped limbs keeps things ticking along nicely." He comments that "Troy Denning has great fun dishing up a variety of tricky problems and hideous monsters for our heroes to tackle as events roll towards a stunning finale where the legendary titan himself makes an appearance." Kibblewhite concludes the review by saying "Not one for the faint-hearted (you'll never win a fair lady either) but for the rest of us an above-average read."


Category:1995 novels

Category:Forgotten Realms novels

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