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The Spring of the Moonstone

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Wikipedia article

'The Spring of the Moonstone' is a 1995 historical romance novel by Finnish author Kaari Utrio. It is a romantic story from 11th century Finland, about love and hate and the meeting of two cultures. The book was published as a commemorative book for the 60th anniversary of the . The book contains several photographs and illustrations. In 1995, the novel was adapted into a play by .

In 1995, 'The Spring of the Moonstone' was translated into English by Hildi Hawkins. The novel has also been translated into Estonian ('Kuukivi kevad', 1995).




Category:Novels by Kaari Utrio

Category:Novels set in the 11th century

Category:1995 novels

Category:Otava (publisher) books

Category:20th-century Finnish novels

Category:Finnish historical novels


Category:Finnish romance novels

Category:Historical romance novels

Category:Novels adapted into plays

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