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The Cursed Land

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Wikipedia article

'The Cursed Land' is a novel by Teri McLaren published by Harper Prism in 1995.

Plot summary

'The Cursed Land' is a 'Magic: The Gathering' novel in which a mysterious trader visits the island of Cridhe, turns one of the inhabitants against his friends and family and persuades him to try to take the power of the Clan Tree, the magical center of the islanders' world.


Andy Butcher reviewed 'The Cursed Land' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 5 out of 10 overall. Butcher comments that "It's not that 'The Cursed Land' is badly written. It's actually quite enjoyable, and mercifully avoids drawing too heavily on the specifics of 'Magic: The Gathering' of which it is a spin-off. It's just that you've probably read so much of it before. In fact, if you've ever roleplayed in a fantasy game, you've probably 'played' a lot of it before..."


Category:1995 novels

Category:Novels based on Magic: The Gathering

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