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Tapestries (novel)

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Wikipedia article

'Tapestries' is a collection of 'Magic: The Gathering' short stories published by Wizards of the Coast in 1995.

Plot summary

'Tapestries' is a collection of seventeen short stories set in the worlds originally created for 'Magic: The Gathering'.


Ben Rodd reviewed 'Tapestries' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 5 out of 10 overall. Rodd comments that "Don't be put off it you have never shuffled a 'Magic' deck: but then again, don't expect to gain anything from it if you have."


*Review by John C. Bunnell (1995) in 'Dragon Magazine', #221, September 1995

*Review by Don D'Ammassa (1996) in 'Science Fiction Chronicle', #189 May/June 1996


Category:1995 novels

Category:Novels based on Magic: The Gathering

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