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Shroud of Madness

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Wikipedia article

'Shroud of Madness' is a novel by Carl Sargent and Marc Gascoigne published by FASA in 1995.

Plot summary

'Shroud of Madness' is an 'Earthdawn' novel set in the Theran-controlled city of Vivane, and details a series of grisly murders and apparent suicides that rock the major noble houses.


Andy Butcher reviewed 'Shroud of Madness' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 6 out of 10 overall. Butcher comments that "It's not required reading, by any means, but anyone planning to run adventures in and around the city will find lots of useful background detail for their games."


Category:1995 novels


Category:Novels based on role-playing games

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