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Shattered Chains

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Wikipedia article

'Shattered Chains' is a novel by Clayton Emery published by Boxtree in 1995.

Plot summary

'Shattered Chains' is a 'Magic: The Gathering' novel which details the efforts of an untrained mage (Greensleeves) and her brother (Gull the Woodcutter) as they try to combat the evil manipulation of magic for wizards' personal gain.


Paul Pettengale reviewed 'Shattered Chains' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 3 out of 10 overall. Pettengale comments that "The writing style is poor, the plot mediocre and the only joy to be gleaned from it is that of relishing the profound lack of style which the author possesses."


*Review by John C. Bunnell (1995) in Dragon Magazine, #219, July 1995

*Review by Lynne Bispham (1996) in Vector 188


Category:1995 novels

Category:Novels based on Magic: The Gathering

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