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Shadowrun: Just Compensation

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Wikipedia article

'Shadowrun: Just Compensation' is a novel by Robert N. Charrette published by Roc Fantasy in 1995.

Plot summary

'Just Compensation' is a 'Shadowrun' novel which centers on Andy, a young employee of the Telestrian Corporation who dreams of being a famous shadowrunner.


Andy Butcher reviewed 'Shadowrun: Just Compensation' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 4 out of 10 overall. Butcher comments that "There are some good ideas here [...] and an interesting look at some of the politics of 2057 America - something that has generally been neglected. All the same, only dedicated fans of the game world will be willing to trudge through the rest of the book to find these insights."


Category:1995 novels

Category:Novels based on role-playing games

Category:Roc Books books


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