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Mage: Such Pain

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Wikipedia article

'Such Pain' is a novel by Don Bassingthwaite published by Boxtree Books in 1995.

Plot summary

'Such Pain' is a 'Mage: The Ascension' novel which concerns the efforts of Aaron Barry, international playboy (and secret member of the Cult Of Ecstasy), to deal with his father's death and his return to the house of his childhood.


Andy Butcher reviewed 'Such Pain' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 7 out of 10 overall.


*Review by John C. Bunnell (1995) in Dragon Magazine, #219, July 1995

*Review by John D. Owen (1996) in Vector 189https://fanac.org/fanzines/Vector/Vector189.pdf


Category:1995 novels

Category:Mage: The Ascension

Category:World of Darkness novels

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