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Humility Garden

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Wikipedia article

'Humility Garden' is a novel by Felicity Savage published by ROC in 1995.

Plot summary

'Humility Garden' is a novel in the form of an unfinished biography of the character Humility Garden.


Steve Faragher reviewed 'Humility Garden' for 'Arcane' magazine, rating it a 4 out of 10 overall. Faragher comments that "There is a lot to this book: an outline of a fascinating world, a lot of thoughtfulness and a desire to tackle large topics. Sadly, there is almost no enjoyment to complement that."


*Review by Faren Miller (1995) in Locus, #409 February 1995

*Review by Peter Heck (1995) in Asimov's Science Fiction, November 1995, (1995)

*Review by Tom Easton (1995) in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 1995, (1995)

*Review by Cavan Scott (1996) in SFX, July 1996

*Review by Paul Di Filippo (1997) in Asimov's Science Fiction, January 1997


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