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Say Something, Say Anything

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Wikipedia article

"'Say Something, Say Anything'" is a single by the English alternative rock band, Blood Red Shoes, released on 7 April 2008. Upon release, the single reached #79 in the UK Singles Chart. During the intro riff/chorus there is a use of poly-meter, with the guitar playing in four bars of 3/4 and the drums playing in three bars of 4/4 respectively. The single artwork was designed by band-member Laura-Mary Carter.

Track listing

7" #1

# "Say Something, Say Anything"

# "Waiting for Signs"

7" #2

# "Say Something, Say Anything"

# "Say Something, Say Anything" (Demo)


# "Say Something, Say Anything"

# "Surf Song"

# "Try Harder" (Live)


# "Say Something, Say Anything"

# "Say Something, Say Anything" (Live)


Category:2008 singles

Category:2008 songs

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