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Separated by Motorways

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Wikipedia article

"'Separated By Motorways'" was a 7-inch single only release by Sheffield band the Long Blondes. It was released on December 12, 2005, on Paul Epworth's Good and Evil label. Kate described the song as a mini-road movie. She said it had elements of Thelma and Louise in the lyrics.[http://scenemagazine.com.au/pages/interviews/longblondes.html scenemagazine.com]

Track listing

All lyrics written by Kate Jackson, music by the Long Blondes.

*7-inch single

# Side A "Separated By Motorways"

# Side B "Big Infatuation"


Category:2005 singles

Category:The Long Blondes songs

Category:2005 songs

Category:Song recordings produced by Paul Epworth

Category:Rough Trade Records singles

Category:Songs written by Kate Jackson (singer)

Category:Songs written by Dorian Cox

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