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Himlen runt hrnet (song)

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Wikipedia article

"'Himlen runt hrnet'" is a song recorded by Lisa Nilsson and released as a single in 1992. In 1995, it was released in English with the title, "Ticket to Heaven". The song was given a Grammis award for "Song of the year 1992" and won the Rockbjrnen award in the "Swedish song of the year 1992" category.

Mauro Scocco version

The song was performed by its composer Mauro Scocco, Nilsson, and Swedish blues artist Driftwood. The song formed part of his album 'La Dolce Vita - Det Bsta 1982-2003'.



Category:1992 songs

Category:1995 singles

Category:Lisa Nilsson songs

Category:Songs written by Mauro Scocco

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