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Slzy a smevy, Op.25

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Wikipedia article

'Slzy a smevy, 'Op.25 ' (Tears and Smiles) is a 1909 song cycle on Slovak poetry by Slovak composer Mikul Schneider-Trnavsk. It is among his best known vocal compositions. The songs were first published in 1912.Hudobn archv - Volume 7 1983 -- Page 18 "Piesne pod nzvom Slzy a smevy vysli roku 1912 nkladom Knhtlaciarskeho castinrskeho spolku v Martine. ... zistif uz z pozoruhodnho vyberu bsnikov a bsn: trikrt je tam zastpeny Ivan Krasko (piesami Ptese, Vesper Dominicae, ...The Encyclopaedia of Slovakia and the Slovaks

Tamara Archleb Gly - 2006 "In his secular music he inclined to the style of late romanticism. He excelled as a lyric poet and melody maker. For his art songs he drew inspiration from modern town song (collections Drobn& kvety Tiny Flowers, Slzy a usmevy Tears and Smiles


*1. Prste ("A ring") to a text by Janko Jesensk

*2. Piese ("A song") Ivan Krasko

*3. Vesper Dominicae - Ivan Krasko[http://www.pismak.cz/index.php?data=read&id=216850 Vesper Dominicae - Ivan Krasko] "Tam niekde v diake

v ieravch horch

dedinka biela

tli sa k zemi

pokojn, tich.

V nej starodvne

vneho vzhadu

si domy uia."

*4. Let Havran, Let ("Fly crow, fly") Svetozr Hurban VajanskSvetozr Hurban Vajansk 'Sobrane diela Svetozara Hurbana Vahanskho' Volume 7 1925 - Page 130 "Let havran, let, radostne si krka, nesie krm pre deti, pre rodinku svoju, co tarn v hniezde cak. Bez vlk a vyje, msa kus m v pysku pre vlcat svoje, co hladuj, mrzn v dlhom zimovisku. Lez ta v lono hory nejde nik, nelet."

*5. Nka ("The little leg") Svetozr Hurban Vajansk

*6. Uspvanka ("Lullaby") from the publication 'Nov Npev Na Prostonrodn Slov'

*7. Ke Na De Zvoni Mali ("When in the morning rings the bell") Ivan Krasko[http://referaty.aktuality.sk/noc-a-samota/referat-8503?i9=ffa743944e76 Ivan Krasko: Nox et solitudo (Noc a samota)] "Ke na de zvoni mali, vyli sme, za prtmia, za era, verili, e sn k veeru vrti sa dvera. A cel, cel de sme sami li, v dvere, bez oddychu, dfali, e sn unaven skrotme krut pchu ... A veerom dva spolu doli sme, bez veery, nesvojsk a jedno srdce skualo po psovsky, po psovsky ... (Ivan Krasko)"

*8. Magdalna - Vladimr Roy


* tefan Margita, 2006


Category:Slovak songs

Category:Slovak-language songs

Category:1909 songs

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