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Summer Nights (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Summer Nights' is a French drama film, directed by Mario Fanfani and released in 2014.[https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/summer-nights-les-nuits-dete-728886 "'Summer Nights' ('Les nuits d'ete'): Venice Review"]. 'The Hollywood Reporter', August 29, 2014. The film stars Guillaume de Tonqudec as Michel, a married man who has a secret life as a cross-dresser who goes by the drag name Mylne.[https://www.lemonde.fr/cinema/article/2015/01/27/les-nuits-d-ete-plaisirs-du-travestissement_4563981_3476.html " Les Nuits dt : plaisirs du travestissement"]. 'Le Monde', January 27, 2015.

The film premiered at the 2014 Venice Film Festival, where it won the Queer Lion award as the best LGBTQ-themed film of the festival.[http://yagg.com/2014/09/05/venise-le-queer-lion-decerne-aux-nuits-dete-de-mario-fanfani/ "Venise: Le Queer Lion dcern aux Nuits dt de Mario Fanfani"]. 'Yagg', September 5, 2014.


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