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Don't Look Down (2008 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Don't Look Down' is a 2008 Argentine fantasy drama film directed and written by Eliseo Subiela. Dont Look Down portrays a young man in mourning who takes to sleep-walking, falls into a girls bed through her skylight, and accepts her literally transporting lessons in intimacy.[https://mubi.com/films/dont-look-down Mubi ]


19-year-old Eloy works with his parents in the family business, assigning tombstones and ornamental figures at burials in the city cemetery. After his father's death, Eloy is forced to grow up quickly, in a world he finds hostile and alien. One day he meets Elvira, a young Andalusian girl, who introduces him to sexual practices that will lead him to uncover unknown areas of his spirit and reality.Elvira invites Eloy to become her lover and teaches him Tantric sex. Eloy discovers bliss.[https://cineuropa.org/en/video/rdid/109182/ Cineuropa ]


* Antonella Costa as Elvira

* Leandro Stivelman as Eloy

* Hugo Arana as Padre de Eloy

* Mnica Galn as Ana


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