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Redlight (film)

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Wikipedia article

'Redlight' (sometimes misspelled 'Red Light') is a documentary film about human trafficking in Cambodia that premiered on October 4, 2009 at the Woodstock Film Festival. Lucy Liu was the film's executive producer and narrator. The film is produced by Kerry Girvin and directed by Guy Jacobson and Adi Ezroni. 'Redlight' documents four years of the lives of several Cambodian children who are kidnapped for the purpose of child prostitution. These children are both boys and girls, and some are only 3 or 4 years old. Some of the film's footage was recorded secretly in brothels and then smuggled out. Liu promoted the film at the 2009 Cairo International Film Festival. 'Showtime' televised the film as part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month in 2010. The first screening in Connecticut took place in Westport that November.


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