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Lila, Lila

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Wikipedia article

'Lila, Lila' is a 2009 German film starring Daniel Brhl and Hannah Herzsprung.

At various film festivals and international screenings the film was sometimes known under the title 'My Words, My Lies, My Love' or 'My Words, My Lies My Love'.

The American distributor is Corinth Releasing.


The film starts with Daniel Brhl as a waiter named David Kern, in a desperate move to impress Marie, played by Hannah Herzsprung, passes off a manuscript he found as his own. However, trouble comes when the real author comes after him.

The film is based on a same title novel by the Swiss author Martin Suter.


* Daniel Brhl as David Kern

* Hannah Herzsprung as Marie

* Henry Hbchen as Jacky Stocker

* as Karin Kohler

See also

*The Words (film), a 2012 American film with a similar plot


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