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Free Fall (2009 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Free Fall' is a Canadian drama film, directed by Mariloup Wolfe and released in 2009.Charles-Henri Ramond, [https://www.filmsquebec.com/films/pieds-dans-vide-mariloup-wolfe/ "Pieds dans le vide, Les Film de Mariloup Wolfe"]. 'Films du Qubec', July 11, 2009. The film centres on a love triangle between Charles (Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge), the owner of a parachuting adventure company, Rafal (ric Bruneau), a daredevil who takes dangerous risks because of his frustration at having been rejected for his dream job as an airline pilot due to partial deafness in one ear, and Manu (Laurence Leboeuf), the woman who is torn between both men while simultaneously coping with her mother's diagnosis with terminal cancer, over a summer as they prepare for an annual BASE jump off a Montreal skyscraper.Anabelle Nicoud, [https://www.lapresse.ca/cinema/nouvelles/201207/17/01-4550902-les-pieds-dans-le-vide-plus-haut-plus-loin-plus-vite.php "Les pieds dans le vide : plus haut, plus loin, plus vite"]. 'La Presse', August 8, 2009.

A secondary subplot also focuses on Ludovic (Adam Kosh), a newer acquaintance of the trio who is struggling to come to terms with his homosexuality.Brendan Kelly, "Skydivers plummet to earth". 'Montreal Gazette', August 12, 2009. The cast also includes Monique Spaziani, Andrew Shaver, Vincent Bolduc and Martin Dubreuil.

Brendan Kelly of the 'Montreal Gazette' reviewed the film unfavourably, writing that "All of the lead actors can do much better than this, but clearly there's no room in this film to do anything other than play to the cheap seats. This is particularly galling in the case of Leboeuf, who's shown in things like 'Les Lavigueur, la vraie histoire' that she's actually a real talent and not just another pretty face." Denise Martel of 'Le Journal de Qubec' was more positive, calling the film an agreeable surprise and writing that Wolfe showed promise as a director.Denise Martel, [https://www.journaldequebec.com/2009/08/11/une-agreable-surprise "Une agrable surprise!"]. 'Le Journal de Qubec', July 8, 2021.


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