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The Matsugane Potshot Affair

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Wikipedia article

is a 2006 Japanese drama film directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita, starring Hirofumi Arai.


The lives of twin brothers Kotaro and Hikaru change when a woman's body is found on the outskirts of Matsugane after being hit by a car. Kotaro, a police officer, discovers that the woman is still alive and later finds out that it was his brother who had almost killed her.


*Hirofumi Arai as Kotaro Suzuki

*Takashi Yamanaka as Hikaru Suzuki

*Tomokazu Miura as Toyomichi Suzuki

*Midoriko Kimura as Misako Suzuki

*Tamae Ando as Haruko Kuniyoshi

*Setsuko Karasuma as Izumi Kuniyoshi

*Miwa Kawagoe as Miyuki Ikeuchi

*Yichi Kimura as Yuji Nishioka

*Mari Nishio as Yoko Togashi

*Ken Mitsuishi as Detective


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