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Stealing a Nation

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Wikipedia article

'Stealing a Nation' is a 2004 Granada Television documentary about the BritishAmerican clandestine operation that saw the expulsion of the Chagossian population who have lived on Diego Garcia and neighbouring islands since the late 18th century. More than 2,000 people were exiled to Mauritius between 1967 and 1973, so that Diego Garcia could become a United States military airbase '(see depopulation of Chagossians from the Chagos Archipelago)'. The film contains a series of interviews with Chagossians, who have been deprived of their right of return and forced to live in abject poverty. 'Stealing a Nation' was written and directed by Australian journalist John Pilger, and produced and directed by Christopher Martin; reconstruction footage was directed by Sean Crotty.

Reception, awards and festival screenings

'Stealing a Nation' was awarded the 2004 Royal Television Society Award in the category "Single Documentary - General"."[http://www.rts.org.uk/programme-awards-winners-2004 Programme Awards Winners 2004] ", rts.org.uk. Retrieved 30 March 2015.

The film was screened at the 'United Nations Association Film Festival' in October 2005."[http://www.unaff.org/2005/UNAFF2005_poster.pdf 8th United Nations Association Film Festival]", unaff.org. Retrieved 9 May 2015.

It was given the Chris Award in the Social Issues category at the 'Columbus International Film & Video Festival' in November 2005."[http://www.columbusfilmcouncil.org/download/05chrisprogram.pdf The 53rd Annual Chris Awards Columbus International Film & Video Festival 2005]", columbusfilmcouncil.org. Retrieved 9 May 2015.


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