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Speaking of Sex

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Wikipedia article

'Speaking of Sex' is a 2001 Canadian/American/French comedy film directed by John McNaughton and starring Bill Murray, James Spader, Lara Flynn Boyle, and Jay Mohr.


When a couple having marital problems see a female marriage counselor who advertises on a bus bench, she recommends that the wife see a male depression expert, who ends up initiating an affair with the wife.


* Bill Murray as Ezri Stovall

* James Spader as Dr. Roger Klink

* Lara Flynn Boyle as Dr. Emily Page

* Jay Mohr as Dan

* Melora Walters as Melinda

* Phil LaMarr as Joel Johnson, Jr.

* Megan Mullally as Jennifer Klink

* Nathaniel Arcand as Calvin

* Nick Offerman as Sheriff Panghorn

* Catherine O'Hara as Connie Barker


The movie was filmed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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