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Never My Soul!

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Wikipedia article

'Never My Soul!' is a 2001 Turkish film by Kutlu Ataman."[http://www.kutlugataman.com/site/artworks/work/18/ Never My Soul - single screen version]" ([https://web.archive.org/web/20150708030232/http://www.kutlugataman.com/site/artworks/work/18 Archive]). Kutlu Ataman Official Website. Retrieved on August 29, 2015. The film, with a duration of about two hours, is about Ceyhan Firat, a Turkish trans woman residing in Switzerland who makes her living as a sex worker.Smith, Roberta. "[https://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/12/movies/art-in-review-kutlug-ataman-never-my-soul.html ART IN REVIEW; Kutlug Ataman -- 'Never My Soul!']" ([https://web.archive.org/web/20150527204902/http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/12/movies/art-in-review-kutlug-ataman-never-my-soul.html Archive]). 'The New York Times'. July 12, 2002. Retrieved on August 29, 2015. Firat pretends to be Turkish actress Trkan oray. The film's title refers to a common saying in Turkish film: a girl who is being targeted by a rapist may tell him that he could have her body but never her soul.


Further reading

*akirlar, Cneyt. "Queer Art of Parallaxed Document: Visual Discourse of Docudrag in Kutlu Ataman's 'Never My Soul!' (2001)" (Chapter 15). In: Pullen, Christopher. 'LGBT Transnational Identity and the Media'. Palgrave Macmillan. 29 February 2012. , 9780230353510.

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