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Sympathy Seeker

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Wikipedia article

'Sympathy Seeker' is a 1997 Russian comedy film directed by Vladimir Mashkov.[https://kulturologia.ru/blogs/150120/45195/ : ][https://inforeactor.ru/263440-vladimir-mashkov-rasskazal-chto-dlya-nego-znachit-patriotizm , ][https://www.starhit.ru/novosti/chetyire-goda-bez-lva-durova-kakim-byil-tragicheskiy-kloun-183413/ : ][https://24smi.org/news/152079-vyshel-treiler-film-geroi-s-aleksandrom-petrovym.html ]


The film tells about a young teacher Nastya, who after the death of her mother decides to publish her unsent letter to an unknown Pavel. And suddenly three Pavels appear in the village at the same time...[https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/41058/ ]


* Yelena Shevchenko as Nastya

* Nikolay Fomenko as Kolya

* Valentin Gaft as Magician

* Lev Durov as Cosmonaut

* Oleg Tabakov as Cook

* Mikhail Filipchuk as Demendeyev (as Misha Filipchuk)

* Viktor Pavlov

* Fyodor Valikov as Watchman

* Lyudmila Davydova as Saleswoman

* Tatyana Rogozina as Attendant

* Vladimir Mashkov as Fyodor[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129380/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm (1997) Full Cast & Crew]


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