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No Love (film)

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Wikipedia article

'No Love' is a 1991 Soviet drama film directed by Valery Rubinchik.[https://ria.ru/culture/20170112/1485565566.html , ][http://www.ng.ru/cinematograph/2017-01-12/16_6900_congrats.html ][https://www.mk.ru/culture/2016/11/18/prodyuser-gleb-fetisov-rasskazal-o-rabote-so-shvarceneggerom-i-andreem-zvyagincevym.html ]


The film tells about Rita, who meets with an elderly photographer and a student at the same time, but doesn't really like one of them, which hurts both him and herself.[https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/46391/ ]


* Kseniya Kachalina

* Stanislav Lyubshin

* Dmitriy Roshchin

* Genrietta Yegorova

* Irina Shelamova

* Yekaterina Shcherbakova

* Viktor Remizov

* Aleksandr Pozharov[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0135567/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm (1991) Full Cast & Crew]


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