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Ramarajyadalli Rakshasaru

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Wikipedia article

'Ramarajyadalli Rakshasaru' (Kannada: ) is a 1990 Indian Kannada film, directed by D. Rajendra Babu and produced by K. C. N. Mohan. The film stars Shankar Nag, Anant Nag, Sonika Gil and Gayathri in the lead roles. The film has musical score by M. Ranga Rao.


*Shankar Nag

*Anant Nag

*Sonika Gil







*Prakash Raj

*Pandari Bai


*Sihikahi Geetha

*Baby Rekha

*Ramesh Bhat

*Sadashiva Brahmavar

*Bank Janardhan

*Krishne Gowda

*Girija Lokesh

*Shani Mahadevappa

*M. S. Karanth

*Negro Johnny


Category:1990 films

Category:1990s Kannada-language films

Category:Films scored by M. Ranga Rao

Category:Films directed by D. Rajendra Babu

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