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Sultana Daku (1975 film)

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Wikipedia article

'Sultana Daku' ( Pakistani, Punjabi) is a 1975 film that was released on 12 December, 1975.


* Sudhir as Sultana Daku, the film's title role

* Neelo as (Reshma)

* Nazli as (Reetha)

* Munawar Saeed as (Ramoo)

* Veena as (Gulabo)

* Ali Ejaz as (Karmu)

* Najma Mehboob as (Mother's of Sultana)

* Ashraf Khan as (Thanedar)

* Jaggi Malik as (Gopal Singh)

* Seema as (Prinder Kaur)

* Munir Zarif as (Comedy)

* Nouroz as (Thakkar's Child)

* Rehana Babri as (Supporting actress)

* Banka as (Thakkar Bansi)

* Meena Daud as (Nayika)

* Taya Barkat as (Sardar)

* Master Murad as (Sheeda)

* Adeeb as (Farangi)

* Rehan as (Farangi)

* Alauddin as (Thakkar)

Track listing

All film musical score was by G.A. Chishti and film song lyrics were by Waris Ludhianvi, Habib Jalib and Hassan Nisar.


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