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I due assi del guantone

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Wikipedia article

'I due assi del guantone' (Italian for "The two aces of boxing") is a 1971 comedy film directed by Mariano Laurenti and starring the comedy duo formed by Franco Franchi and Ciccio Ingrassia.



* Franco Franchi as Franco Marsala

*Ciccio Ingrassia as Ciccio Trapani

*Mario Carotenuto as Amleto Rossetti

*Ave Ninchi as Adele Rossetti

* Gino Milli as Enzo

*Paola Tedesco as Marisa

*Umberto D'Orsi as Sor Giovanni

*Giulio Rinaldi as Cesare De Cesari aka "Golia"

*Tiberio Murgia as The Traffic Cop

*Luca Sportelli as The Grocer

*Enzo Andronico as The Boxing Coach

*Nino Vingelli as A Restaurateur

*Ada Pometti as The Chemist

*Fulvio Mingozzi as The Tour Guide

See also

* List of Italian films of 1971


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