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Murderer in the Fog

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Wikipedia article

'Murderer in the Fog' is a 1964 West German crime film directed by Eugen York and starring Hansjrg Felmy, Ingmar Zeisberg and Elke Arendt.Bock & Bergfelder p.122 The police investigate a series of attacks in a small German town.

The film's sets were designed by the art director Karl Schneider. The film was partly shot on location in Baden-Wrttemberg.


* Hansjrg Felmy as Kommissar Hauser

* Ingmar Zeisberg as Hilde Kment

* Elke Arendt as Franziska Hillebrand

* Ralph Persson as Heinz Auer

* Wolfgang Vlz as Kriminalassistent Kurt Freitag

* Wolfgang Bttner as Schuldirektor Dr. Hillebrand

* Alfred Balthoff as Herr Lindemann

* Karl-Georg Saebisch as Herr Auer

* Berta Drews as Frau Ritzel

* Marlene Warrlich as Ulla Reiter

* Hilde Sessak as Frau Schmittner

* Isabelle Carlson as Gerda Brinkmann

* Elfriede Rckert as Frau Ambacher

* Addi Adametz as Krankenschwester

* Lutz Hochstraate as Erwin Lindemann

* Jrgen Janza as Franz Ritzel (as Hans Jrgen Janza)

* Wolfgang Jansen as Robert Elsen

* Rolf Stahl as Willi Wolfsberger

* Werner Schulenberg as Bert Steiner

* Gnter Meisner as Kriminalassistent Behrend

* Benno Hoffmann as Komarek

* Herbert Knippenberg as Kriminalassistent Neuhaus

* Horst-Werner Loos as Kriminalassistent Betzinger

* Hannes Tannert as Herr Elsen

* Nikolaus Schilling as Ludwig Leitner

* Ursula van der Wielen as Barbara Freitag



* Bock, Hans-Michael & Bergfelder, Tim. 'The Concise CineGraph. Encyclopedia of German Cinema'. Berghahn Books, 2009.

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