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Graduation Year

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Wikipedia article

'Graduation Year' (French: 'L'anne du bac') is a 1964 French drama film directed by Maurice Delbez and Jos-Andr Lacour and starring Jean Desailly, Simone Valre and Paul Amiot.Martin p.114


* Jean Desailly as M. Terrenoire

* Simone Valre as Mme Terrenoire

* Paul Amiot as Le gnral

* Jacques Rispal as Le prof Cachou

* Yvette Etivant as Mme Cathou

* Bernard Murat as Mic

* Jean-Claude Mathieu as Jacques

* Francis Nani as Petit Cachou

* Michel Tureau as Giacomo

* Catherine Lafond as Nicky

* Elisabeth Wiener as Evelyne

* Jolle Bernard as La fille du "Rendez-vous des chasseurs"

* Robert Vidalin as Maclou



* Martin, Yves. 'Le cinma franais, 1946-1966: un jeune homme au fil des vagues'. Editions Mral, 1998.

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